Ill. Bro. George Chambers – 50 Years

Ill.Bro.George Edgar Chambers 32º – 50 Years Certificate in Rose Croix


On Wednesday the 10th February 2016 V.Ill.Bro.Peter Holland 33º Inspector General for South Essex and Ill.Bro.Mike Robinson 32º the District Recorder of South Essex together with Ill.Bro.Robin Fagence 30º visited Bro.George at his home where we found him to be in good health, in high spirits and delighted to see us.


We were all made most welcome and after tea and cakes had been served and we had a chance to catch up on all of the news together Ill Bro Peter made a presentation of a framed 50year Certificate. An accompanying letter was also presented on behalf and from Supreme Council 33º in recognition and on the wonderful occasion of George having attained 50years in the Order last November as a member of St Katharine`s Chapter No608 in which he was perfected in 1965 and DeVere Chapter No 831.

George who is now 92 years old said how much he had enjoyed his membership and looked forward, depending on his health at the time, to continue to be able to attend his Rose Croix Chapters for more years to come.

George thanked us all for visiting him after the delay caused by his previous health problems that had prevented us seeing him earlier and said he would look forward to seeing us all again in the near future.

V.Ill.Bro. Peter Holland re-presented the certificate to Ill. Bro. George at the St Katharine’s Chapter meeting held on 18th March, 2016 to the pleasure and delight of those attending.